Books, fantasy, funny, indie author, Out of the Box Blogs, rant, Romance, scifi, steampunk, Urban Fantasy

DNF 37%

I just stopped another book midway because I was bored and didn’t want to read it anymore. It’s a growing trend for me this year, if a book doesn’t hook me right away I just give up.

I remember when I was younger I never picked up a book and didn’t finish it, but the older I get the more impatient I seem to become and I find myself not finishing all the books I pick up. But why? Books have always been my haven and I hate not finishing something I’ve started, so what’s changed? Well I have a few theories…

(1) Kindle Unlimited.


I have never cancelled and then reinstated a program so many times in my life! Honestly I have found some amazing books that I’ve loved on KU but let’s be honest, there is a plethora of books and not all great, this had made me much snappier with my decisions. If I don’t like it in the first 20% I didn’t pay extra for it and I just don’t believe it will get better.

(2) ARC’s

This one is tricky. On websites like netgalley you’ll notice when you get your approval letter (maybe not for all but for most) they basically ask you, if you are not enjoying this book just stop rather than power through and bash it.


Now if I pick your book up from you, if I’m tortured I’ll give you that option as well and most prefer you stop. Though it doesn’t happen often, it can.

(3) Abundance.


Even without KU there is a lot of discounted books out there, even just 10 years ago I remember making a list of the books I would buy for the year. You didn’t get books for under $2 or even $1 so you were very picky about what you got. Now if I spend $1 on it and I don’t like it…well I don’t have time for that.

(4) Libraries.


Libraries will always be a good thing don’t get me wrong but they are getting better and better at getting more people better access to a larger selection. Ebook sections of libraries are becoming bigger and most libraries will order books per your request. What that means? Books I might never have read I’m taking a chance on. But it also means some of those books I’m just not going to like.

So what about you, do you finish everything you read? If not have you found your finishing less books? Comment below!

Books, great reads, Out of the Box Blogs, rant, Reviews

The Last Book in a Series and Me


So I have issues with reading the last book in a series. I buy them, but never read them. I have an entire shelf dedicated to last books. Does anyone else do this?

I want to read them, but then I don’t want to read them. I just can’t bring myself to read them. My reasons that I keep telling myself is that I don’t want the series to end, so if I never read it, then it never has to end. I also tell myself I am afraid to read it, because what if I hate the ending, and I will regret reading it, and be mad at the author for it.

Let me just say that I have been coerced into reading a few last books. I HATED EVERY SINGLE ENDING! I am sorry Jeanine Frost, but the ending of the Cat and Bones series sucked. (if you don’t know this series, you must correct that error) The ending only sucked because she should have killed Tate 3 books before the last one or at least gave us the joy of  Bones killing him in the last book. I HATE TATE!!

See this is what I’m talking about. Here I go on a tangent about the ending because she decided to keep the worst character in the book all the way to the end. This is what happens, so I don’t read them. If I hadn’t read the last Cat and Bones book, I could have pretended that Bones finally killed him! Can someone besides Karen and I who has read this entire series tell me if you agree with us?

I am stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Darynda Jones will be putting out the last book in the Charley Davidson series soon, and I love that series, but I don’t know if I am going to be able to read it.

Ok I am ready for your comments, opinions, and if anyone has overcome this, please let me know.



Books, fantasy, Out of the Box Blogs, paranormal romance, Reviews, Romance, scifi, steampunk, Urban Fantasy

News about our blogging team

Book 1

First we wanted to start out by letting everyone know some sad news. Debra, one third of our blogging trio, is very ill and we will be losing her soon. Debra is the kindest of the three of us, even when she had a “harsh” criticism she would send it to me and I always would say “you’re too sweet” but that’s just her nature. She loves books, cares for people and made Les and I a little bit better. Because of this we think it’s appropriate to give someone else the gift of a book, from Debra to you. We know we have been sporadic bloggers over the years but you guys stick with us through some crazy times, hard times, and downright unthinkable times.

If this gift card goes to someone who’s been reading as long as us we say great, you get to have whatever book you want and it won’t be an ARC so there is no pressure in your review. If you are new or struggling, that’s great too, here is a chance to get a book without guilt. Believe it or not we’ve been blogging now for three years and we will miss Debra’s unique voice, but we thank you all for listening and always being kind to her. She loved blogging, so thank you for making it special.

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Click the link to enter for your chance at winning. The winner will be chosen on Friday August 3,2018.

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Books, great reads, Out of the Box Blogs

Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Carpenter by: Randy L. Schmidt

little girl


To be honest I forgot that my Goodreads is attached to the blog, and the whole world sees what I read. Kind of strange to think about it now. This is a book I read for me and my mother. She loved Karen Carpenter, and thought she was a victim of circumstance and an overbearing family as well as the fame.

This book dives into her entire life, even the not so glamorous times, and the low points. There are a lot of interviews with her friends in this book, which is the reason I decided to read it. I know the music, but who was she? My take on Karen is she was a beautiful soul looking for unconditional love, and a life as a wife and mother that she could be proud of. She had this amazing gift, that voice was so unique and so recognizable. I didn’t  know until this book that she recorded a solo album while Richard was in Rehab for his addiction issues. While reading this book told by some of her closest friends, there were times when I was so mad for her. I was so angry, when I found out about the solo album, and then to find out they made her shelf it. They told her it wasn’t good enough. I think they were afraid. They were afraid to release it. What made me the most mad was that they released it after her death. My favorite Karen Carpenter song is on this album. I wish she could have seen how many people loved that album.

So many people controlling her life and micromanaging her. She was already a perfectionist when it came to her singing. The constant comments about her weight in the beginning, to the butting in of her relationships with men. She never had a moments peace. When she found out the truth about her fiancé being a fraud, it is said she wanted to cancel the wedding. Her friend claims her mother wouldn’t here of it, too many invitations had gone out. It would have been too embarrassing. So she married a con man who blew almost all her money, and it is said he even told her ” Look at you, I would never have a child with you, you look sick. Nothing but skin and bones, how can I love that”. It is no wonder she sought refuge in the few who did love her as she was. She tried to be perfect on the outside in front of the world, but she forgot to love herself. This is why my mother told me this story, so I can always remember to love myself first.

She tried to fight her bulimia and anorexia, she was doing well, but she just couldn’t get that monkey off her back. Some friends say she was taking a prescription medicine, instead of her usual laxatives, but some friends truly thought she had beaten it. Some say she was doing so well. Her autopsy says she did have the prescription in her system, but some say it was because she was sick. I say no matter what we lost a great artist, and an amazing woman, who never got to live up to her full potential.  I listen to her music almost daily, and I am saddened by the fact that she didn’t get to see how many people still listen even now.

Here is my favorite song from her solo album. I hope you enjoy it. *of course I do not own the rights to this song*

