Books, fantasy, great reads, indie author, paranormal romance, Romance, scifi, Urban Fantasy

September Releases

How quickly summer is going by! We have already reached the end of August and are ready for our September releases. Here are a few of the books I can’t wait to read or I am curious enough about to mention.


Fortunately for me I just read the first book just this year so I didn’t have to wait the whole 5 years for this, never the less I am so excited to read book two of the Villains series. The first book constantly made you question just who the good guys were and I am hopeful this one does the same, I have it pre-ordered and set to download on September 25th.


Grace is one of my indie authors that I just buy and don’t think about. Her world building is always so rich and her characters are never shallow I just couldn’t help myself when I saw a new series from her and had to pre-order this one. Unfortunately this book is also dropping on the 25th of September so it might take me a quick minute to get to it.


I really enjoyed the first book but I was worried about a second one as soon as I read the ending. I won’t spoil the first one for you but it’s last pages left a bitter taste in my mouth. I’ll read this one, coming out September 18th,  but I’m going to play it safe and get it from the library.

How about you, anything you are looking forward to next month?

Books, great reads, indie author, Reviews, scifi

The Unspoken Agreement

I have always felt there was an unspoken agreement between an author and us readers when we purchase a book and frankly lately I think the rules have been out the window. So I’m curious, is it just me that feels this way, having these expectations of my writers? Do I need to adjust to a new way of writing? Or are some books just not playing by the rules? Allow me to explain.

When I buy a book it’s like the author and I have made a contract. A simple one, I will give money to your seller and you will deliver a story. I don’t have to like it but it must follow the guidelines of all stories. Sound simple? Apparently not. This is how I view a story: A beginning, if it’s the first time we are meeting everyone with character and world building when appropriate. Then a middle, this is where your plot comes to life, the climax of the story as it is, whether it’s bad guys seemingly defeating good guys, or a big fight, big reveals, this is when we get the meat of the story. The all important end, the big finish, where you frankly actually finish the book. No cliffhangers (I will discuss this), no unrelated twists, just bring it home. Make it complete.

What I feel like has been a trend in some writing lately…

The Cliffhanger. Why do authors do this? Especially with book one? I have yet to meet a reader that loves this, so why do it? Is it because you just couldn’t think of an ending? Is it because you want me to be forced to buy your next book (doesn’t work with me, you cliff hang I abandon)? Or is it because you knew from the beginning that you would write three books so it doesn’t matter to you? Well that sucks. Let me tell you there are many extremely successful series out there that have 8,10,20 books and you know what, no cliffhangers! Every book is a complete story by itself. We feel satisfied when we read it, like an episode on tv.

The Plot. Ever read the back of a book, then read the book and the blurb has nothing to do with the story? I bought the book because this is what you told me the story is about. Can’t always blame the publisher, indies are also committing this crime, it’s kind of like false advertising. See this whale??? Sorry we are sending you home with a guppy. I might have been interested in your original story, I like guppies, but it’s just not going to sit right with me the whole time cause all I can think about is that whale. Blurbs should match the story and the plot should follow that. Having a plot is good too, some now don’t even have a plot.

The beginning. World and character building are paramount. In fact too often characters are left with no personality, shallow as it were, and books can fall very flat. But some authors swing too far the other way making whole books out of world and character building. That’s great if I already have book 2 and 3 but if this is all I have, then I don’t have a story, just a really long resume. And 200 pages of that gets boring. I know a lot of authors say they are setting up the next book, but I’m not buying, you got to sell this book to me, not the next one.

So the big question is, are my expectations to great?

Books, Out of the Box Blogs, Reviews

What’s too far in fantasy books?

I follow a few different fantasy and urban fantasy series and in the last year I’ve noticed an unfortunate trend, authors going too big with they’re characters and story lines. You see the beautiful thing to me about fantasy is that it can be anywhere and be about anything. So how does an author go too big? These are the things that have been series killers for me:

  1. Over complicated story lines. There is nothing quite like finding out that a great book you read is going to become a series. But when you get into books 3 and 4 and suddenly they completely change the story line or make the plot so complicated it’s ridiculous that’s frustrating to me as a reader. Listen if you, as an author, don’t want to write it anymore or just creativity can’t, then don’t. I know, I know, your saying but if it’s in the series you get guaranteed 5 stars from fans or maybe even you’re under contract. Think about this though what if I have someone read book four first then try to go back and read book one? Would they be confused with the stories even connecting? Sometimes you don’t even have the same characters. If you find that to be true then I’m probably going to stop reading your series.
  2. Unbelievable characters. Again this is fantasy, keep in mind readers do accept unbelievable things in fantasy. Want wings to suddenly pop out of your characters back? A-okay! But when the same character also breathes fires, is invincible and can be chopped in half by a sword and come back to life, come on. The worst is when they are horrible people treating everyone around them terribly why they themselves cry about being forgiven for every minor infraction. The result? Everyone loves them or wants to be them. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Honestly I’ve never wished for so many characters to die at the end of they’re books! But how, they’re invincible!
  3. Long, drawn out books. They’re are books I read that I never want to end, and in fantasy world building takes time so I get that some books will be a bit longer than others. But if the first book was 300 pages, with all the character intros and world building, and the new book is 800 pages some editing maybe required. There is an art in being able to tell a story in 300-400 pages and I appreciate those who do.
  4. Character addition. Stories will grow and with that characters are going to be added, I get that and support it. But when each book adds 5-10 characters and very few are being taken away, I’m starting to lose track. The main character is constantly talking to all these people I can’t remember and honestly it makes me start to lose focus on the story. When that happens I start to lose interest in the series.

I’m not an author so I can’t imagine how hard it is to keep a story line alive but I am a reader and I just can’t take it! Something different make you crazy? Comment. Don’t like my list, make your own…